Start Here / Dating Is A Process

It’s important to have a solid understanding of who you are as an individual and not lose your personal identity in your dating journey.

Common pitfalls? Believing that dating is only about serving others.

<aside> 🔍 Dating is an exploration of self as much as it is an exploration of others.


They are intertwined forces that complement each other, rather than opponents.

In fact, dating enforces your individuality by allowing you to understand your past upbringings, values, and aspirations on a deeper level. You learn to operate as both your complete individual self and as an entity with its own set of identities.

![The three identities: your personal identity, the other person’s personal identity, your relationship identity](

The three identities: your personal identity, the other person’s personal identity, your relationship identity

Sometimes, it can feel as if you are compromising your unique identity to cater to others. It shouldn’t be this way!

Retain your individualism and keep discovering yourself through your dating journey.

Most underrated Dating tip:

<aside> 🪞 The best way to find an amazing person is to become an amazing person yourself.


Your relationships are a mirror of you - your interactions, your interests, and your values. Building up your own personal identity not only makes you an amazing person, but it will also pull other amazing people to you and build amazing relationships.

Gradually discover your own "North Star". The more you understand yourself - the essence of your passions, values, and aspirations, the clearer your path in choosing others who resonate with your journey.