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Many see dating as a complex thing.

Yet, dating is a simple process; that revolves around 3 main activities:

                                                        Kopi Date Journey:



Relationship skills



Meeting People




Simple enough, right?

Dating, at its core, is about meeting new people. Enough people. `

It is about developing relationship skills to build and strengthen connections.

It's about going on a journey of self-discovery.

A Journey

Dating is not merely a destination, but a journey. It is like a voyage to uncharted mountains through terrains of insights and opportunities.

You might stumble along the way, but with every step comes a greater view of the world.

![this snake bites... next time I should bring some food-7.jpg](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/6f501c27-2f46-4710-b6d6-1e2ca5a013af/this_snake_bites..._next_time_I_should_bring_some_food-7.jpg)

There may be bumps along the way, but what is a journey without some twists and turns? That’s where the lessons lie!